This is actually the second one I made for Isabella from this pattern. I still have to take a picture of the first one but the nightie is in the laundry hamper. The pattern is
Simplicity 9242, size 4. I altered it slightly.
I sewed one shoulder seam, serged it, then I serged the neckline. I pressed the serged neckline under and then sewed the lace on the neckline. Then, I closed the other shoulder, serged the seam, and tacked it down.
Then, I serged the open arms, pressed the serged arms under, and sewed the lace on. I closed the side seams and serged, with tacking the arm seam down.
For the ruffle, instead of folding it like the pattern suggested, I closed one seam and serged the bottom. I folded the serged edge under and added the lace on top. I then closed the second seam. I attached the ruffle to the body by gathering, and serging. Then I top-stitched the ruffle seam to the body.