The kids are really enjoying playing rugby. I sit on the sidelines and watch all three play and practice. I clap when our team scores a try (goal). I cheer when it is one of mine.
However, I have never seen a "real" game and I have no idea of the terminology of rugby (other than a "try"). I shock people when I tell them this. They look at me like I am from another planet. LOL.
Well, I will rectify this egregious situation this summer. I just purchased tickets for the whole family to see a real game. It is Canada vs USA in a World qualifying game, on July 11. It is taking place at the same place where my kids play. How cool is that?
Maybe after I see this game, I might be able to understand the terminology. Or not. :-D
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
1 day ago
(This is Gator BTW) ;)
Hey stranger! I miss you, too!
How are you?
Excellent - and busy. Kids are great - summer is here and they are off school. We need to all get together at some point again. I'm in Chicago right now and this would be PERFECT... How are you doing?
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