The nights are getting colder and my garden is definitely showing its reaction. The beans and peas have stopped producing. I took the last of the beans and peas from the garden and pulled the plants. I picked some tomatoes and peppers but I still have some on the plants. I'm hoping I'll get a few more ripened before I have to pick them and ripen them inside. My cucumbers were a bust. I have 2 cukes. Weird-looking ones at that, too. The pattypan squash and acorn squash were duds. I think I have to have larger transplants.
Lettuce, on the other hand, is doing really well. I harvested a bunch and I still have quite a lot still growing nicely. I think I'm going to try an old French recipe for lettuce soup. It is supposed to resemble cream of broccoli soup. We'll see, I guess.
When I picked my cherry trees, there were some that weren't ripe so I left them. I picked those now and froze them on a baking sheet. I also picked the last of my raspberries. I really have to read up on raspberry bushes because they weren't very good producers last year and this year. I also froze the raspberries. Today, I took the frozen fruit and put them into Ziploc bags.
What's still left? For fruit, I have apples, chokeberries, and one small harvest of rhubarb. For vegetables, I have more beets, more lettuce, some tomatoes, some peppers, carrots, and parsnips.
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
1 day ago
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