I came across something awhile ago that made an awful lost of sense. Save your orange peels to make dried zest. Slap me upside the head! How simple!
So, I've been trimming the pith from the oranges everyone eats, drying them on top of my fridge (all hidden away), and putting them in a Ziploc bag to store them for when I have enough to grind up.
I had half a bag today, so I thought I would process them in my nut & spice grinder. It turned out lovely! Gorgeous aroma. I made the twins come over and smell it. LOL
You would use it just like fresh zest.
For a process pictorial, I made a new entry titled, "Orange Zest - Part II." -- Updated to include link August, 19, 2014
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
1 day ago
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